Healthcare Manager 30, Summer 2016

In the Summer 2016 issue of Healthcare Manager Maria Kane, head of one of the UK's biggest mental health trusts, tells us how she keep the show on the road in the face of mounting funding pressures and disintegrating social care support. We also have Andy Cowper on the uncertainty hanging over the "Devo Mac" project, Matt Ross on Stockport's innovative scheme to put GPs and hospital consultants back on speaking terms, and put readers in the picture about workplace snooping and surveillance. Plus acting editor and Lexographic partner Craig Ryan talks to two senior managers about their struggle to leave the NHS. 

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). It's published quarterly, in both print and digital editions, and has a circulation of around 7,000 senior managers in the NHS across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Lexographic also provides news and feature content for the MiP website.

ARC News 83, June-July 2016

This is a special bumper edition of the magazine for members of the Association of Revenue and Customs (ARC), the union representing the UK's senior tax officials. As well as the usual news and commentary on the goings on inside HM Revenue and Customs, and an introductory piece from the new ARC president, there's a 36-page supplement offering full coverage of the association's annual conference in Nottingham.

Produced bi-monthly in print and digital format, ARC News is also available exclusively to ARC members from the new ARC website. 

ARC News is designed and produced by Lexographic. We also manage and develop the ARC website and provide news and feature copy for all ARC publications.

New Association of Revenue and Customs website

A brand new website for the Association of Revenue and Customs (ARC), designed, developed and managed by Lexographic.

ARC is the trade union representing the UK's top tax inspectors, the people who bring in the billions of pounds needed to build schools and hospitals, and finance all our other vital public services. In late 2015, the ARC committee asked Lexographic to develop website to keep members up to speed with everything that's going on in the department and in their union, and give them a new place to discuss the issues that are important to them.

We ran a survey of ARC members to find out what they wanted from their new site and worked with the committee to design and develop a news-driven, magazine-style site which would be a hub for all ARC's publications and the vast range of other information produced by the union. This meant producing both original content and putting online a huge archive of material going back many years.

The site uses the popular Wordpress publishing platform which makes it fully transferable and relatively "future proof". The site has been designed to be easy to update and maintain, so that ARC officers can gradually take over more of the running of the site themselves.

The site includes secure login for ARC members with "members-only" content and several private discussion forums, and is hosted on a dedicated server to minimise traffic disruption and give the union maximum flexibility in developing their site.

The ARC website was launched, on budget and on schedule, on 31 May. We continue to support ARC in maintaining and developing the site and will be adding many more features in the coming months.

Why not have a look around the site and see what you think?        

ARC News 81, Feb-Mar 2016

The latest issue of the magazine for members of the Association of Revenue and Customs (ARC), which represents the UK's senior tax officials. Produced bi-monthly in print and digital format, ARC News has a circulation of 2,500 senior managers, tax professionals, lawyers and accountants working for HM Revenue and Customs. 

ARC News is designed and produced by Lexographic. We are also developing a new website for ARC, to be launched in spring 2016.