Healthcare Manager 34, Summer 2017

In the Summer 2017 issue of Healthcare Manager, we tackle the tricky issue of the future of the NHS following the inconclusive result of the June general election in the UK – with commentary from MiP chief executive Jon Restell and editor (and Lexographic partner) Craig Ryan. Alison Moore interviews Heather Caudle, one of the leading lights in NHS nursing management, while Jenny Sims fills us in on workforce developments in NHS Wales. We also have advice for managers from Unison head of health Sara Gorton on how to do right by your underpaid staff; a special report on the rise of vexatious complaints against NHS managers and a Scottish health service manager doing something very unusual – writing in praise of government policy towards the NHS. 

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). It's published quarterly, in both print and digital editions, and has a circulation of around 7,000 senior managers in the NHS across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Lexographic also provides news and feature content for the MiP website.

Read the full issue here.

Healthcare Manager 30, Summer 2016

In the Summer 2016 issue of Healthcare Manager Maria Kane, head of one of the UK's biggest mental health trusts, tells us how she keep the show on the road in the face of mounting funding pressures and disintegrating social care support. We also have Andy Cowper on the uncertainty hanging over the "Devo Mac" project, Matt Ross on Stockport's innovative scheme to put GPs and hospital consultants back on speaking terms, and put readers in the picture about workplace snooping and surveillance. Plus acting editor and Lexographic partner Craig Ryan talks to two senior managers about their struggle to leave the NHS. 

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). It's published quarterly, in both print and digital editions, and has a circulation of around 7,000 senior managers in the NHS across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Lexographic also provides news and feature content for the MiP website.

Healthcare Manager 29, Spring 2016

The Spring 2016 issue of Healthcare Manager features an exclusive interview with the head of the NHS in England, Simon Stevens. After three years in the hottest seat in healthcare management, Stevens talks to Alison Moore about the "existential crisis" facing the NHS, the value of good management and his own personal crusade against obesity. We also invite three local journalists to look ahead to how the NHS will feature in the upcoming elections in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, while acting editor and Lexographic partner Craig Ryan writes about how one London mental health trust has turned its fortunes around by making staff engagement and wellbeing its top priority.   

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). It's published quarterly, in both print and digital editions, and has a circulation of around 7,000 senior managers in the NHS across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Healthcare Manager 28, Winter 2015

The Winter 2015 issue of Healthcare Manager considers how the NHS will develop and change in the years ahead. We have outspoken patient champion Alison Cameron talking about how patients can work with managers and clinical professionals to reshape services, while Mark Britnell looks at what the NHS can learn from other leading health systems around the world. Paul Briddock from the Healthcare Financial Management Association calls for some realism and sanity in tackling the NHS financial crisis. Plus we have the first pictures from MiP conference in November, and Dean Royles, HR chief at Leeds Teaching Hospital, takes issue with the government's proposed trade union reforms.   

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). Following the retirement of current managing editor Marisa Howes in December 2015, Lexographic partner Craig Ryan is taking over as acting editor until Marisa's successor starts work. 

Read the online edition here or download the digital edition here.