Healthcare Manager 28, Winter 2015

The Winter 2015 issue of Healthcare Manager considers how the NHS will develop and change in the years ahead. We have outspoken patient champion Alison Cameron talking about how patients can work with managers and clinical professionals to reshape services, while Mark Britnell looks at what the NHS can learn from other leading health systems around the world. Paul Briddock from the Healthcare Financial Management Association calls for some realism and sanity in tackling the NHS financial crisis. Plus we have the first pictures from MiP conference in November, and Dean Royles, HR chief at Leeds Teaching Hospital, takes issue with the government's proposed trade union reforms.   

Healthcare Manager is edited, designed and produced by Lexographic on behalf of Managers in Partnership (MiP). Following the retirement of current managing editor Marisa Howes in December 2015, Lexographic partner Craig Ryan is taking over as acting editor until Marisa's successor starts work. 

Read the online edition here or download the digital edition here.